Logrus Global is one of the initiators of the unique global TAPICC project (Translation API Classes and Cases), designed to provide an opportunity for establishing simple, effective and universal interaction among all participants' technical systems through development of a new API standard. This standard will ensure the compatibility of all programs, applications and services used in the translation industry.

The major organizational events to launch the project are finished, and the Management Committee is moving to the next stage: to create and ensure full functionality of working groups aimed at producing the first practical results of the project, including a description of the preliminary specifications, which will be presented in Silicon Valley at the FEISGILTT 2017 seminar in October, held simultaneously with the major industry exhibition Localization World (https://locworld.com/events/locworld35-silicon-valley-2017/). The final version of the specifications is planned to be ready by February 2018, prior to the next conference of the GALA Association, under whose guidance the project is being implemented with the support of such giants of the digital market as TAUS, LT-Innovate, Microsoft, SAP, Google, Mozilla and others.


Significant impetus was given to project development by the GALA Conference held in March 2017 in Amsterdam. Translation industry representatives were greatly encouraged by the report of the working group on development of the project and significant refinements of the previous version of the project plan.

The Management Committee has elaborated the project plan (concerning its implementation, as well as its promotion), prepared the design documentation, described the policies and standards, established the legal basis for authorship of the results (all materials are available through an Open Source model), studied similar projects thoroughly, and much more.

A Webinar dedicated to TAPICC was held on the 29th of June. GALA representatives, including Serge Gladkoff, CEO of Logrus Global and a member of the Management Committee, explained the technical details of the project, talked about the stages of its development, achievements to date and further plans. Click on the link to watch the webinar: https://www.gala-global.org/ondemand/toward-common-specifications-translation-apis

Join us

Further development of TAPICC will be carried out by four project groups working simultaneously on different aspects of the task. Today the groups are being formed, their leaders are being chosen and methods of communications are being established. All translation and localization professionals are invited to take part in developing the initiative. There are no final criteria for selection, but it is assumed that working group members are either experts of the translation and localization industry, or technical experts in the field of information systems.

Join the project of innovative digital transformation of the translation and localization industry! Welcome to the GALA Connect Group dedicated to TAPICC: https://www.gala-global.org/tapicc-translation-api-class-and-cases-initiative and join the working groups!

31 July 2017

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