Logrus Global is currently making preparations for the public launch of Perfectionist, a cloud-based Translation Quality Evaluation (a.k.a. LQA) service. The Translation Quality Evaluation process is an essential part of any professional localization workflow. Perfectionist automates and simplifies this process and enables the implementation of custom analytic and holistic metrics. This TQE service is integrated into Logrus Global Localization Cloud. The internal algorithms of Perfectionist make use of the most recent advancements in LQA theory, as described in the latest drafts of the ASTM WK46396 and WK54884 standards proposals. A more detailed description is available here: https://logrusglobal.com/perfectionist.html. The service has seen trial use with a team of industry professionals, to very positive reviews. After having tried Perfectionist, the users remarked on how the system illustrates the entire quality review process while showing “how everything we work on actually works” without being “esoteric and complicated”. The Perfectionist cloud-based LQA service will be made available as part of Logrus Global Localization Cloud.
29 April 2019