We are pleased to announce that our new multimedia studio is ready, and is capable of not only audio recording, but also photo and video shooting!

The studio has a large new room, with modern equipment and software. What hasn’t changed? Our highly qualified professionals! They have always been ready for:

  • voicing over of computer games, training courses, commercials;
  • video recording of round tables, interviews;
  • recording your promotional video;
  • shooting using chroma key (chroma key) technology.

White Hall 1 White Hall 2 White Hall 3 White Hall 4

The voicing over of educational and marketing materials - and computer games in particular - requires extensive experience, proper language, and grammatically correct speech. Therefore, we hire only professional actors and announcers to perform this kind of work. Our database contains several dozens of such voice samples.

During video recording of a round table, the spacious room of the White Hall allows for the comfortable accommodation of all participants.

Now we can not only record voice-overs of commercials on the road, but also reproduce individual scenes right in the studio, even with the chroma key. This technology, which comes from the film industry, involves shooting over a green (or any other color) background, which is subsequently replaced with the desired image or video. This allows you to move the interview participants wherever you like, even to the top of Mount Everest!

Our screenwriters will help you convert your ideas into a consumable video product and conduct the perfect interview.

All these features are available to our customers now!

Come and visit us, and we will be happy to show you our studio, discuss your ideas and tasks and free our creative spirit for you!

27 September 2017

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