Logrus Global Goldpan TMX/TBX Editor provides the essential text editing and language quality assurance tools for terminologists, editors, and translators. Goldpan is a key instrument for cleaning up the training data for MT engines (including SMT and NMT engines). The version 3.1 features:

  • Batch splitting of any, even huge, TMX (TBX) file into several smaller files of specified size (measured in translation units or bytes)
  • Batch merging of several TMX (TBX) files into single file
  • Conversion of UTF-8-encoded tab delimited TXT file to TMX, TBX or XLIFF file format
  • Online update notifications for new versions of the tool

The Goldpan TMX/TBX Editor is currently available for free upon registration. Check for updates!

21 Februar 2018

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